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Therapy and Tweaking

January 2019 Visit with Back2it Chiropractic

A photo or video can speaks volumes

When Back2It Chiropractic last came over to see Alfie we noticed he wasn't correctly using his left hind. He was tucking his left hoof under and over his right hoof in walk Its tricky trying to rehab when the fields are too wet and you only have weekends to ride. So our warm up routine has been concentrating on asking the left hind to open up through shoulder fore and leg yield with some counter flexion thrown in from time to time.

We took a pic the other weekend whilst Alfie stood post test and he was much squarer behind. A positive reaction to the work we can do.

This year as the paddocks dry up we are going attempt more stretchy lunging. Something Alfie finds fairly tricky, not to mention he isn't the best behaved on circles.

I have taken up swimming as extra exercise to try and help my straightness which in term will help Alfie. I am already feeling the benefits after just a few sessions

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