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Dressage on Display

We all had an awesome day at the Lambourn Open Day with the RoR Dressage Display Team

I never thought I would be reviewing the day which such amazing tales to tell.

Camels, Stunt Bikes, Bouncy Castle, Spring Loaded Jump Ride Thingy, Packed Buzzing Beer Tent. And lots more to cope with. All of that and we held it together for the first Public appearance of 2019

The last run through before the big day wasn't without arms flapping as we tried to get over our wooden mushroom fears. The arena had various creatures and carrot fillers/jumps around the sides after an Easter event at the show centre.

The session wasn't pretty but we did get the routine nailed with six of us.

Love my main man for holding it together on the day. I should have had more faith him in.

But honestly thought we were going to go wild freestyle when we had to walk through the crowds to the main arena without any sort of segregated horse walkway keeping us away from the hundreds of human feet.

Luckily before us were the Camel Racing and Jump Hurdles. The racing was on the sand track so we all grabbed the opportunity to walk into the main arena in the break away from the excitement. We were parked at the top of the track and we weren't sure how far up the hill they were racing and we didn't fancy joining in

After some lovely quiet time schooling round the arena that was still packed with spectators. We Walked, Trotted and Cantered in time with the music.

Mini hiccup in the routine but no one noticed, phew

We did have one minor scary moment when we stopped for a quick team talk, when I found myself on board with no bridle.

Alfie shook his head and his green ears fell off along with his bridle.

Such a good boy just stood there whilst I dismounted grabbed the bridle tacked back up and remounted.

I signed major relief I tell ya

We will pay a visit to Ready Rugs Equine Laundry soon to see if we can put some sort of velcro attachment and maybe an extension onto the ears that I can maybe sew into the mane to keep it on

Having spent the winter in relaxed scruff mode I did remember how to do a decent mane and tail plait

We had show shiny horse thanks to Aqueos shampoo

We looked gorgeous in our bridle from White Horse Leather

Browband, Saddle Cloth and Polo Shirt kindly donated by RoR

The Warm Up

The Display Team Routine


Gaelann East

© 2017 Gaelann East

By Gaelann East
The Wacky Racers Dressage Team
England UK
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