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05th Feb What a fright: Diary of An Ex Racer Retraining

What a fright

No idea how but Alfie ended up with some hair missing off his jaw and a hot jaw.

No signs of any hoof prints on his hood and no signs of a struggle anywhere in the field or stable.

The boys do like to play, and he does get a little too close to Coffee’s hooves for my liking when they are playing.

That night (5th Feb) no food could tempt him to try and eat.

He just wanted to be left alone at the back of his stable.

He looked so sad I felt so guilty trying to syringe the bute into his mouth, constantly chatting to him convincing him I was making it all better

Luckily, I have dad living at the bottom of the yard, so he did an 8pm and 10pm check for me. Alfie was tempted to a few nibbles of some soggy nuts which at least allowed me to fall asleep that night

Next morning I woke on the alarm and searched the darkened wardrobe for lots of layers in anticipation of a vet visit.

What a relief to drive up and see a pair of pricked ears looking over the stable door. He was yawning and sticking his tongue out showing me he could move his jaw.

Left over dinner in one bucket, soggy nuts in another bucket and haynets in the open barn placed to tempt him to eat whilst I mucked out.

I was so pleased to see him tucking in to both buckets.

He had started to pick at the haynet and chew so I went to work hoping I had made the correct decision not to go and get an X-ray

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