A review of the HayGrazer Hay Bag throughout April through our online postings
See how the Hay Bag helped us on our big adventure to the BD Petplan Championships:
We start this review page at the end of our Month's journey with a Slide Show
* Packed full to keep Alfie going through the night. * Easily closes tight at the top to encourage eating through the side holes. * Easy to hang up. * Slow low feeding has lots of benefits with the HayGrazer haybag.
As April draws to an end we finally say good bye to the mud and move the horses onto the new grass.
Both boys utterly pigged themselves on the first day out and came in groaning and grunted as they looked at their unwanted dinner buckets
With taking the pig-out to a whole new level I was glad to have the hay bag to use over night. Peace of mind knowing it would mean a slow fibre feed.
The boys are fed on a high fibre diet. Both can have tummy issues so I have to be super careful with what I feed. I try to feed both of them as naturally as possible and that also means how I feed them. Having two boys that love to mess their hay into the beds feeding long and low hasn’t really been an option
I have tried low small holed haynets but then I have sleepless nights that they will chew the nets open and get their hooves caught up
I have tried the open hay bags, the light material with an open top and a hole on the front. Coffee just holds his head high and eats out the top and he also chews the bag as he scuffs down the hay as quick as possible.
I have tried fixed buckets and haybars. They just pull the hay out and trample on it.
I have netted the haybar, but they chew through the nets just as they do the hung haynets.
What joy and excitement to finally get to try the HayGrazer Hay Bag why had I not done this sooner!
With our HayGrazer Hay bag in the stable at nights to continue with the stretchy theme I still haven't 100% decided on the hanging height I think I would like to try it a little bit lower to encourage even more of a stretch over the back. Alfie is doing well with the length of neck and he isn't tight and short at the tie ring anymore.
The HayGrazer Hay Bag is ready for it's day to day use This is the open barn where the boys eat their hay on hard standing during the day. The boys get checked during the day by the yard whilst I am at work but I know looking at this photo which option I will be using from now on for my piece of mind.
With Alfie and Coffee getting regular treatments from Back2It Chiropractic it will be great to follow up the visits with long and low hay feeding to help us with our topline condition.
The yellow hay bag is only this low when I am on the yard. It is normally on the higher ring weekdays.
The green hay net is normally doubled up to stop it sagging this low.
Please note this pic is just for a comparison showing the options I have for low / slow feeding.
For safety the yellow bag and haynet are hung much higher The Haygrazer hay bag is also hung on the clips with twine and not by the carrying strap as shown in this pic
First Stay Away Show for the HayGrazer Hay Bag
No need for lots of bags or bale carrying from trailer to stable we filled the Hay Bag up full and it lasted from arrival in the afternoon to the next morning
Our Chiro gave Alfie a check over that afternoon and Alfie was also encouraged to continue his stretching by the low feeding
At home and away if hay is dropped on the floor Alfie will push it into his bed and waste it
With the Hay Bag there is minimal wastage as he slow feeds through the tapped hole areas so I am saying on hay which means I am saving money
On our way to the Petplan Championships
The Hay Bag is really easy to carry with its shoulder strap
With one side enclosed you don't get dirty or covered with hay as you carry it.
The perfect show accessory
Our Morning after review
Taking the first bite
Alfie soon relaxed and started taking small bites and chewing
Our first look at the HayGrazer Hay Bag
Features of the HayGrazer Hay Bag
The Hay bag mesh is tough and wont be broken like normal netting
Optimum hole size - The holes are not to small so the horse wont get frustrated
Ideal for Slow Feeding - The slow feeding replicates natural grazing managing with the amount and speed eaten
The top section of the bag shuts so horses reach down for the hay from the mesh section on the side. Mesh bottom to allow dust to drop out
Mesh bottom allows the hay to be soaked if needed Easy to carry whilst you stay clean Double sided anti rip coating, tough and easily cleaned
Why do we want to review the HayGrazer Bag
*Easy to fill *Easy to hang *Easy to carry *Great boredom breaker *Slow feeder (holes 3.25x2 inch) *Mesh bottom for dust and water to drop out *Helps respiration
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