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How to build a bond with your horse ~ Feb Blog Hop

Relationships take time

Its been a long journey with our Ninja one. If I have any advice to give it is don't give up

It has taken many years of slowly slowly to regain his trust since he started his rehab for a few tweaks and injuries.

We are still conquering our demons, bins, teddy bears, buggies, you name it, everything needs to go through a desensitizing programme with this boy.

He has been the BS SJ Club Champion yet he is scared of his own shadow

A bond on the ground with our companion humans is a must for our ridden work to progress. He takes a lot of his confidence from his humans and that is ok.

Every time we out we improve that little bit more

Every time we out his trust in the rider improves as he leaves his ground humans to watch from a distance. But he will often look round to make sure they are still there with him

It has taken a long time for us to understand this man but with time we have started to learn to trust each other again.

I am learning to ride on a more relaxed rein as he learns he doesn't have to jump out of his skin at every noise or movement.

There are many books and scripts on how you can bond with your horse but you must listen to them. You as the owner and best friend will be the one handling and riding.

Listen to their reactions and actions. What are they telling you?

This Quote has helped me so much on our journey.

''You can never rely on a horse that is educated by fear. There will always be something that he fears more than you. But, when he trusts you, he will ask you, what to do when he is afraid''

Antoine de Pluvinel

Our Tips

Be firm

Be a leader and gain respect

Communicate clearly

Be fair

Be consistent

Sometimes just hang out with your four legged friend

If your friend likes to be groomed, spend time with them and give them an all over scratch session

Massage can be therapeutic as well as a great bonding technique

Treats are good but also bad. Watch the body language, a greedy friend is not always your friend !

Special moments are to be cherished

Sunday Bin Challenge: Ginger Bear adventures V Ginger Ninja adventures

Gaelann East

© 2017 Gaelann East

By Gaelann East
The Wacky Racers Dressage Team
England UK
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